Маршрутизация и шлюзовые протоколы GGP RIP OSPF Routing and Gateway Protocols

Маршрутизация и шлюзовые протоколы GGP, RIP, OSPF
Routing and Gateway Protocols

1136 - Administrative Domains and Routing Domains: A model for routing in the Internet
1133 - Routing between the NSFNET and the DDN
1131 - OSPF specification
1126 - Goals and functional requirements for inter-autonomous system routing
1125 - Policy requirements for inter Administrative Domain routing
1105 - Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)
1104 - Models of policy based routing
1102 - Policy routing in Internet protocols
1093 - NSFNET routing architecture
1092 - EGP and policy based routing in the new NSFNET backbone
1075 - Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol
1074 - NSFNET backbone SPF based Interior Gateway Protocol
1058 - Routing Information Protocol
1046 - Queuing algorithm to provide type-of-service for IP links
985 - Requirements for Internet Gateways

975 - Autonomous Confederations
970 - On Packet Switches With Infinite Storage
911 - EGP Gateway under Berkeley Unix
904, 890, 888, 827 - Exterior Gateway Protocol
875 - Gateways, Architectures, and Heffalumps
823 - Gateway Gateway Protocol

Содержание раздела